Výber je na vás!
Ponuka kurzov v anglickom jazyku
Radi by sme vám predstavili výber zo širokej palety kurzov, o ktorých sme sa zmienili už v našom pravidelnom newsletteri a ktoré pre vás naši kolegovia v qualityaustria pripravili na rok 2022 v anglickom jazyku.
Stručný popis tých, ktoré sú naplánované na najbližšie mesiace nájdete na nasledujúcich riadkoch. Samozrejme vrátane potrebných odkazov k podrobným informáciám, pokiaľ by ste o niektorý z nich mali záujem. Kompletnú ponuku tohtoročných kurzov v anglickom jazyku nájdete tu
The course teaches participants the most important requirements, rules and standards, methods for preparing, performing and creating audit reports, and communication techniques for leading discussions and objectively presenting audit findings.
terms available upon request
- Auditor / 4 days
€ 2.736,– excl. 20% VAT - Preparation for the Auditor Examination (optional) / 1 day
€ 684,– excl. 20% VAT - Examination: The written examination consists of multiple-choice questions and takes 30 minutes. The oral examination consists of a simulated audit situation (role play) and an interview (2 technical questions). Duration: 25 minutes
€ 742,– excl. 20% VAT
COMPLETE COURSE Quality Management Representative
This course teaches the specialized skills necessary to qualify as a Quality Management Representative in a condensed form.
30th May - 9th June, online
- Quality Management Representative
€ 4.360,– excl. 20% VAT - Examination
€ 719,– excl. 20% VAT
Course material from 3 courses:
- Integrated Management System - Requirements (IMS)
- Quality Management Systems (QMS)
- Integrated Management System - Methods and Tools (IMSA)
COMPACT COURSE Quality Management Representative & Internal Auditor
1 course = 2 certificates!
7th -11th March 2022, Vienna
3rd – 7th October 2022, online
€ 1.625,- excl. 20% VAT
The fee for the examinations is included.
- During the first four days you will obtain a solid knowledge base about quality management as well as the most important methods and tools. At the end of the 4th day, there will be a written examination consisting of multiple-choice questions.
- On the fifth day of this course you gain fundamental knowledge about the conduct of internal audits. The course will be concluded with an examination.
COURSE SERIES Internal Auditor Automotive - Compact (3 days incl. examination)
Attendance of the course AQMS
Knowledge of ISO 9001
Qualified and relevant professional experience is advantageous
terms available upon request
€ 1.773,– excl. 20% VAT
- ISO 19011
- The Automotive Process Approach
- Risk-based thinking
- Automotive-specific requirements for the audit process
- Link between IATF 16949, Core Tools and customer-specific requirements
The examination takes place directly after the course (multiple choice). The examination fee is included in the training fee.
COURSE SERIES Quality Management Automotive / AQMS (2 days)
Knowledge of ISO 9001
Qualified and relevant professional experience is advantageous
terms available upon request
€ 1.182,– excl. 20% VAT
- Objectives and benefits of quality management systems
- Requirements of ISO 9001 and IATF 16949
- IATF certification requirements (excerpt)
Kurzy o ktoré ste po rozoslaní nášho newslettera prejavili najväčší záujem:
- Quality Management Representative & Internal Auditor – Compact
- COURSE SERIES Quality Systems Managers
sme pre vás samozrejme pripravení zaistiť kurz v slovenskom jazyku, či už formou otvoreného alebo in-house kurzu.
V prípade vášho záujmu nám prosím napíšte na office@qualityaustria.cz