The Position of Quality Austria
The Integrated Managementsystem
With the position paper "The Integrated Managementsystem" Quality Austria offers you a compact overview of the art regarding the integration of management systems and profound expertise in its practical design and implementation.
The Audit
The position paper "The Audit" goes even further and puts the focus on the qualityaustria audit philosophy as well as challenges of today and the distinction of audit categories..
The position of Quality Austria
Download now!
The qualityaustria position paper on the Integrated Management System (IMS) is available in its fourth edition. The dynamics in economic activity, profound further developments of relevant system standards and the further development of the integration concept in the practical im-plementation of management systems gave cause to the creation of a position paper that focuses on our core ser-vices – the qualityaustria audit.
10 Facts
why a system
its costs.
Raising market value
Improving legal certainty
Increasing profitability
errors and risks
Reaching objectives
Enhancing customer satisfaction
Optimizing internal processes
Boosting the image
Promoting employee
Reducing costs